Invest in PillCall!

Help bring PillCall to millions of households across the US!

Where We Are Now

PillCall’s servers are set up and running. PillCall’s iPhone app has been approved and is on the App Store. PillCall has three working prototype caps, perfectly capable of being sold for $129 each, but to be used for marketing purposes, Getting to 100 million caps in use will require a substantial marketing push, not to mention a substantial upgrade to the size of our assembly lines to make the caps themselves. The cap design also has room for improvement and a road map is in place for achieving faster and more reliable assemblies with fewer components.

stack of pillcall pill caps, in each color: Red, Green, Blue, and Orange. Caps are surrounded by graphics.

Current Market

Pharmaceuticals in the US is a $1.4 trillion market, growing at 6% annually with 2 billion pill bottles and caps sold annually.

Target Market

Initial focus is the 150M Americans who regularly take medicine, 50% of whom fail to comply with their prescriptions.


Customers acquired via retail placement, impulse buying, and word-of-mouth.


Smart bottle startups such as Pillsy, AdhereTech, Jini Health and others, which are focused on smartphone-aided medication reminders using BlueTooth or NFC communication directly with smartphones. PillCall instead uses WiFi without the need for a smartphone. PillCall’s key differentiators include: a retail focus to obtain sticking power with consumers, combined with the tried-and-true subscription model, simple yet direct integration with the SMS text message infrastructure, and medication-agnostic disinterest to engender skeptical consumers’ trust and commitment.

Financial Projections post Commercial Launch

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Revenue $12,000 $1,320,000 $72,600,000 $319,440,000 $1,756,920,000
EBIT $(238,000) $924,000 $50,800,000 $239,580,000 $1,370,397,600

Contact Us

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